Tips for Flying Across Country with a 2 Month Old Baby

We popped Aurora on a flight when she was just 9 weeks old. It was a bit daunting at first but we really wanted her to meet all her grandparents, so we decided to brave the West to East Coast flight over Labor Day Weekend.

Choose your Destination Wisely

Since grandparents’ beach house was the destination, we were lucky in that there was a lot of baby items already there. A pack n play, stroller and car seat were already there, so we didn’t have to bring any of that. However, we still needed to bring a lot for the plane journey. Read below are some of our must-haves.

Avoid Traveling on Holidays

Though we had to take advantage of the day off for LDW, we made sure to fly out on the Thursday of Labor Day Weekend, versus the Friday or Saturday. Going one day earlier made it a little easier as there was less traffic going to the airport and the airport itself was less busy. However, we didn’t have any luck with extra seats on the flight as it was jam packed.


Book a Window and Aisle Seat

My husband and I have been doing this for years now–never booking a middle and always booking a window and aisle, in the hopes that no one sits between us. If someone does, you can kindly ask if they’d prefer a window or aisle, so you can sit next to your travel partner. I doubt any person would prefer the middle. Or you can just choose to have a little separation from your travel partner and each of you can enjoy the modicum of more comfort with your respective aisle/window seats.

Let me just moderate your expectations: this rarely works. Especially now with flights being over-booked and standby, just about every available seat will be taken. However, once in a while it HAS worked and then we have a whole row to ourselves! It is the broke man’s first class! (I would even dare say better in some ways). This has not worked so far on our flights with Aurora, but it is worth a shot. An extra seat with a baby is ideal!

Bulkhead Rows

Our return was in a bulkhead on Alaska Airlines. If you can book that, do it. It is even worth the extra upcharge. I cannot tell you how much nicer it was to have that extra space. We were able to pass Aurora back and forth easier, even stand up to bounce her and we could step over the aisle passenger without disturbing them. The bulkhead also meant we got off quicker and were closer to a bathroom. It was too bad that we had to store our carryon for takeoff and landing, but it is a price that we were willing to pay.


Must Haves for Plane Travel with a 2-3 month old:


Though it is light, the Dockatot is a larger piece of luggage. However, we found it to be so worth it. We layed it across our legs and Aurora was able to nap in it, her only nap on the flight. She was still being swaddled at that time so something like a Dockatot gave her room, was familiar to her and allowed my husband and I to have our hands free. No, we couldn’t get up, but at least she was sleeping!

Hush Hat

I feel like the overhead announcements are just getting louder and more piercing, but maybe that is because now we are more sensitive to them with a baby. I tested out the Hush Hat, since it looked more comfortable than baby noise cancelling headphones. With built in sound absorbing padding, this cute hat worked very well and Aurora had no problem with it! It doesn’t eliminate sounds but definitely helps mute them.

Finding Dory for baby. Wine for mom and dad.

TV (as a tool only)

Some people might disagree, but I only use a screen when I desperately need it. On a plane with an upset baby counts as one of those times. She was crying and overtired and the only thing that calmed her down, and thus calmed us down, was watching some Finding Dory. Sometimes, a screen can be very useful for everyone–including our fellow passengers.

Baby Bjorn Carrier

No matter what carrier you prefer, it is so nice to be able to be hands free and wear the baby in the airport. I’ve done both stroller and carrier now, and it is far easier in my opinion to wear the baby. Our daughter is extremely interested in the world around her so when I wear her, she is delighted to look around and smile at everyone.

I personally have liked the Baby Bjorn when she was smaller, around 2 months, because it was easy to put on and felt comfortable. Now that she is a bit older, I have added in different carriers that are more secure for a forward facing baby (see my post on traveling with a 4 month old).



Obviously toys are key for the long plane ride. Definitely get a pacifier clip and clip any toys there if you can. The smaller, lightweight toys that don’t make too much noise are best. As you are on the go, they will be dropped so make sure to have several back ups, clip any that you can and also bring the toy sanitizing wipes.

Munchkin Arm & Hammer Pacifier Wipes

These are food grade safe, so you can use them to clean off the toys, teethers and pacifier that inevitably drop while traveling.


Portable Diaper Kit

I use the Skiphop set as it is easy to keep everything together and get in and out of those awful plane bathrooms quickly.


Nursing Cover

I used this one as it has an opening at the top so I can see her (and she likes to see my face), while nursing. This was key when we were nursing during take off and landing.


Footed Pajamas

Planes get cold and I like to make sure that she is fully covered (no missing socks!) so the full, one piece footed pajamas are my go too. I like the Magnetic Me for travel as they are lightweight but warm and the magnetic closures make them very easy for diaper changes.


Overall, no amount of “stuff” will make air travel easy, but it surely can help limit some of the stress. At the end of the day, the baby really just needs you, food, diapers and hugs. You can do it! The more you travel with them now, the easier it will get too.




What else do you bring on the plane for little ones? Tell me below!


As a mother, probably you are very excited to have a baby shower and received gifts such as these new baby cookies. I have a lot to share but these first 4 weeks with a newborn have kept me quite busy (and away from my computer).

Here is the quick rundown on what happened:

I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl on June 12th, 2018 at 1:05am.
She was 8lbs 10oz, 20.5 inches in length and completely perfect.

Her name is Aurora Blake Lee, in honor of the goddess of the dawn.

My labor was not perfect–I had to get induced at 42 weeks and this process too 4 days until she arrived by natural delivery. Let me tell you, it was very painful and very long. I don’t know how I endured it, but I give lots of credit to my husband, my amazing doula Karla and the team at UCLA Santa Monica. More on this later!

The past 4 weeks, we’ve been figuring out how to become parents! I’ve gotten to know my little girl, understand how to soothe her, bathe her, breastfeed her, change her and entertain her! It’s not been easy and I’ve slept VERY little, but my husband and I getting a little better at it every day.

Aurora is adorable. She loves to snuggle, is growing very fast for her age (in the 99th percentiles), is very alert, follows us with her eyes, holds her head up and makes me laugh all the time. She is getting better at napping, but so far that has been a challenge (for all of us).

We are also planning our first trip with Aurora at the end of August! Will be writing a lot more about that adventure as it approaches!



Mama Kelley


Traveling While Pregnant: Where I Went, What I Avoided & When I Stopped

I have not set foot on a plane… since March! This is the longest stretch of time that I have not been airborne (10 weeks and 1 day but who’s counting…). I am so excited to have my next flight with Jettly! It’s kind of an odd feeling! Last year I clocked in at 39 flights to over 25 destinations and 12 countries. This year, I had a strong clip in January and February with Italy, Kauai, Tahoe and Philadelphia (for a wedding) but limited my air travel as I progressed in my second trimester. 

Sky high

Looking out over Tahoe

For the first 29 weeks of my pregnancy, I didn’t slow down on my travel, whatsoever. I had a lot of shoots for my video series already schedule and that, couple with my  insatiable urge to travel all the time, made me want to just GO GO GO. I knew that I’d listen to my body (and my doctor) and if I needed to slow down for my baby and my health, I would. However, I had a lot of energy and felt invigorated to keep at it. I wanted to pursue all travel projects and aspirations that I could, while I was still able. I knew that when my baby girl arrived, my whole world would become focused on her little being so the clock was ticking. 


1 Week Pregnant: China

Suzhou China Canals

Canals of Suzhou, China

I am PRETTY sure that I was pregnant while on assignment in Suzhou, China. But, I had NO idea that I was pregnant because it was so early on (think like days after conception). Baby was just a few cells at that point so of course, it didn’t affect me or my travel at all. Still, pretty cool to know that baby’s first “trip” in utero was to China!


10 Weeks Pregnant: Laguna Beach

Laguna Beach

Surf & Sand Resort, Laguna Beach

At this point, only my husband and I (and our families) knew that we were pregnant. Since it was so early on in the pregnancy, we didn’t want to shout it from the rooftops just yet. The terrifying statistic that 30% of pregnancies end in miscarriage kept us very quiet until the 20 week mark. 

However, it was an exciting little secret to have! My husband and I did a weekend film shoot in Orange County, exploring the delicious food of Anaheim, biking in Irvine, beaching in Laguna and overall seeing the world through different eyes.


14 Weeks Pregnant: Japan

Setouchi Miyajima

Itsukushima Shrine on Miyajima Island, Japan

A lot of people were surprised to hear that I spent 15 days in Japan, filming my series for Setouchi Tourism. I honestly didn’t find the pregnancy held me back whatsoever! If anything, it opened my eyes to all the children, babies and cute families that I saw along the way. The one truth that I always find when I travel is that we are all more the same than we are different. A mother kissing baby on the street, a father lifting up his daughter over his head, a family feeding their fussy baby at the table–its the same everywhere in the world. And it just made me more confident that I could do it too. For more information about 3D/4D ultrasound, visit A Date With Baby, one of the top pregnancy care centers in Toronto.

Arima Hot Springs, Japan

Arima Hot Springs, Japan

Of course, the flight is long. My OB-GYN gave me the confident go-ahead, citing that I should just walk around a lot and drink plenty of fluids on board. Since I always drink tons of water, that works out well on flights since I have to check out the bathroom quite a bit. The flight over was completely fine and comfortable. The return flight was another story but it had nothing to do with pregnancy… (If you saw my Instagram stories from it you know what I mean, but that is for another post…).

Being pregnant while in Japan was not all that difficult. I didn’t feel much fatigue so I was able to keep up with our very rigorous schedule of early 6am mornings and being “on” for the camera all day, up until evening. I did not stay up any later than our dinners and since I wasn’t drinking, I got good nights’ sleeps and focused on catching as many Zzzz’s as possible so I could keep up with the pace. However, this is what I do on all my travel shoots so I didn’t find that my being pregnant changed anything.

kaiseki in Kurashiki

Kaiseki Tasting Menu in Kurashiki

When I told people that I was going to Japan, so many people said “Well what can you eat?” That question is based on two over-generalizations about Japan. The first is that the Japanese only eat sushi. Actually so much more than just sushi.  We had lots of wild game, kobe beef, so many types of noodles, tempura and lots of vegetables. It was actually rare that the only option was sushi. We mostly had meat and noodles! The Setouchi region is famous for its udon and since it is the home of Kobe, you can bet that the beef is pretty incredible.

The second generalization is that you cannot have sushi. This is not entirely true. I did a lot of research and found a lot of articles written by doctors that support that sushi is not bad for pregnant women. The fear with sushi is that it can lead to food poisoning because it is uncooked. However, food poisoning from sushi will affect a pregnant and non-pregnant person the exact same way. It is no worse for your baby or you if you are pregnant and you have food poisoning. Trust me, food poisoning is the WORST and you don’t want it no matter what state you are in, but in terms of it being off limits as a pregnant person? It poses the same risk to a non-pregnant person. My OB-GYN confirmed this before I traveled there as well.

fugu setouchi

Fugu, the deadly blowfish sashimi (I did NOT eat this)

That being said, there is a big concern for pregnant women around sushi and actually all fish for that matter. It has to do with MERCURY. The predominant fish in sushi happens to be tuna, which has one of the highest mercury percentages of all fish. The larger the fish, the higher the mercury. I have avoided any tuna: canned, cooked or raw, throughout the pregnancy. I know that small amounts of tuna is deemed to be safe but I didn’t see the need to take any chances. I also avoided the other high mercury fish, which you can find here. Sadly, these fish includes some of my favorites like halibut, mahi mahi and snapper (makes you think twice though right, pregnant or not?!). 

But fortunately, salmon is also a popular sushi staple and salmon is GREAT for your developing baby and has very low mercury content. If I did have sushi while in Japan, I made sure it was from a reputable place and I only chose salmon or other low mercury fish.


18 Weeks Pregnant: Europe

Costa Brava Spain

Roadtripping in Costa Brava, Spain

I also spent 22 days traveling in Europe when I was 18-20 weeks pregnant. This extended trip was part work and part fun, traveling with my husband over the holiday season. We visited Spain, France, Monaco and Italy–and had so many adventures in each. We road-tripped through Costa Brava, we had Christmas Morning in our hotel room in Barcelona, we voyaged with Viking Ocean Cruises to seaside cities, biked in Marseille, ate our way through St Tropez, played games at the Christmas fair in Montecarlo and we drove all through Tuscany in Italy. We stayed a few days extra in Rome, to take in the Colosseum, the Vatican and lots of pizza and gelato.

Christmas Morning Barcelona

Christmas Morning in Barcelona

The challenges of being pregnant in Europe? No delicious soft cheeses and no wine. I managed to substitute my love of stinky French cheese with Spain’s delicious hard cheeses and Italy’s mozzarella and parmigiano.

Bolognese in Lucca

Bolognese in Lucca

But there is no good substitute for wine. I had sips here and there, just being able to taste the incredible wines of all these regions was satisfying. I didn’t even need a whole glass. (But next time I go to Europe, I plan making up for it…)


24 Weeks Pregnant: Kauai

Sailing the Na Pali Coast in Kauai

Sailing the Na Pali Coast in Kauai

Kauai was another fabulous trip that I took while 24 weeks pregnant. This island is so natural, rugged and breath-taking, it made my soul happy, which I can only assume translated to making baby happy too. Besides having to avoid a lot of the delicious local Hawaiian catch (no red snapper, no opakapaka, no tuna, obvi), I didn’t have any negative effects of being in Kauai while pregnant. I was a little disappointed that I couldn’t hike the Na Pali Coast or go river rafter in the jungle, but those are things I am looking forward to doing on my return trip! Besides, relaxing on beaches, drinking fresh fruit smoothies and snorkeling with sea turtles is quite fulfilling as well.

Kauai’s rugged beauty makes it an unforgettable destination, and even while pregnant, there’s so much to enjoy and explore at your own pace. From lounging on soft, golden sands to marveling at the dramatic cliffs and cascading waterfalls, the island truly has something for everyone. For those who want to immerse themselves in the best of what Kauai has to offer, Ohana Hawaii Tours provides a fantastic way to experience the island’s magic without the stress of planning every detail yourself. Whether it’s a laid-back journey through lush botanical gardens, a guided drive to Waimea Canyon’s jaw-dropping vistas, or a tranquil boat ride along the Na Pali Coast, these tours let you soak up the island’s natural wonders effortlessly. It’s the perfect option for creating cherished memories while leaving room for relaxation and those all-important smoothie breaks!

29 Weeks Pregnant: Tahoe

Northstar Tahoe

Taking it Easy in Tahoe

My biggest concern with travel to Tahoe was the altitude. I had heard that altitude can have adverse affects on a baby in utero due to the pressure and not being acclimatized. Since I was traveling from Los Angeles (aka. Sea level) and going to Northstar, which is 6000 ft, I was nervous. I reached out to my contacts in Tahoe, asked my OB-GYN and did my own research. Luckily, I found that some altitude is okay. I should really avoid 10,000 feet or higher. Since we weren’t skiing and only went up to a mountain lodge for one dinner of about 3 hours at 8000 feet, I was mostly at 6000 feet.

During this 48 hour trip, I did find that I ran out breath more than usual–which is already quite a lot more than a non-pregnant person– and I was very, very thirsty. Dehydration at altitude affects everyone and I was extra cautious to drink lots of fluids and have water on me at all times.

Why I chose to stop Air Travel after 30 weeks

Rome The Roman Forum

Loving Roma, at the Roman Forum

At 32 weeks, I had as assignment in London. I was really eager to take this trip as I hadn’t been to the UK in a while, it was a luxury focused trip so I would get to experience a lot of my dream hotels and restaurants and I really believed in the brand sponsoring the trip. However, the flight to London from LA was direct, and it also was 13 hours. My OB-GYN, whom normally is pretty easy-going, did express some hesitation on this one. She said that if anything went wrong mid-air, not only would have to derail the entire flight, but we’d be flying over areas in the far Northern Hemisphere that do not have medical care on landing (think like Canadian tundra, Greenland and a lot of Atlantic Ocean).

This of course, scared me. I had felt very capable and my pregnancy was progressing really well, but the “what if” scenario really got me.

Seaplanes in Setouchi

No more Seaplanes like this one in Setouchi, Japan

My doctor also informed me that babies are born at 32 weeks. Though it is 8 weeks early and not very common, it does happen. If it happened in London, I’d be going to the hospital London and not moving my newborn for quite a long time. Though the idea of getting her dual citizenship was pretty appealing (LOL), I knew that giving birth in London was not a great option for me or my family. I had to politely decline from this trip and decided that I would no longer be flying after 30 weeks.

Trust me, pausing travel was a tough pill to swallow.

St Tropez

Giddy in Saint Tropez

It is in my nature to crave the adventure, the spontaneity and the freedom of hopping on a plane and landing in someplace totally new. But I had to put my little girl first, and to me, it was the right decision. While there is no hard and fast rule of when you HAVE to stop air travel, it is advised to stop around the end of the second trimester. I pushed it a bit just because I am so used to travel and it was part of my job.

If you also crave traveling and exploring new horizons, Australia is a destination that should be on your radar. With its endless opportunities for adventure and relaxation, it’s a place that offers something for everyone, even for those balancing family life. One gem you simply cannot miss is Shoal Bay, a tranquil coastal haven located in New South Wales. Known for its pristine white sands and crystal-clear waters, it is perfect for unwinding while still feeding that sense of adventure. Whether it’s paddleboarding, dolphin watching, or simply soaking up the sun, this spot offers a serene escape that feels worlds away.

Just because I didn’t take any more flights, it didn’t mean my local traveling stopped! My next post will be about all my favorite local trips and where I recommend for a Babymoon! Do you have a favorite babymoon spot? 



Mama-to-be Kelley


Los Angeles Travel Massive: An Evening with Austria!

I’ve teamed up with my friends at Austria Tourist Office to bring LA Travel Massive a May summer kickoff event!

We will be celebrating all things Austria: a destination that Lonely Planet called “possibly the best combination of nature and culture on the planet.”

Meet us at a dazzling rooftop above the Sunset Strip, to be disclosed upon RSVP. Mingle with the Austrian Tourist Office and our colleagues flying in directly from the Vienna, Salzburg, and Innsbruck Tourist Boards. Catch up what’s new with Austrian Airlines and meet travel planning startup Journy. You’ll have the chance to win a trip to Austria* and find out what makes it one of the hottest destinations in Europe!


Social Media Information
Twitter: @austriatravel; Facebook:; IG: @visitaustria
Please use these hashtags for the event! #feelaustria #AustriagoesLA

More information

* Roundtrip Airfare from LAX to Vienna for 2 with Austrian Airlines; two nights in Vienna, Salzburg and Innsbruck for 2; and a customized itinerary by Journy for your whole trip!

Kauai Sheraton Aulii Luau

Top 5 Things to do on Kauai, Hawaii

Hawaii and I are in a serious relationship. We just met last spring, when I first landed in Maui with my husband. We spent 10 days roaming her grassy hills, sand swept beaches and lush jungles. Eager to return and explore more of Hawaii’s shores, I returned to Oahu, just a few months later. This time I was on a film assignment so it was I was accompanied only by my camera. Together with our rental car, we saw all ends of the most populated island–from Waikiki to Kailua to the North Shore.

Maui sunset

Just recently,  exactly one year from my first trip to these paradisiacal islands, I flew back to Hawaii yet again. This time I was visting Kauai. What made it even more special was my mom was joining me. I couldn’t wait for her to experience the state that I loved so much. An added bonus was that since I am pregnant, this was a little mother/daughter babymoon!

Babymoon in Kauai

I’d heard all the rumors that Kauai was “the best” and I assumed that there was a reason that this verdant island was the top pick for honeymooners. But I thoroughly loved Maui and Oahu, both for different reasons; how could Kauai really compete?

From the moment I stepped outside of Kauai’s Lihue airport, I felt a big difference in just the air! The air was fragrant and more humid than other islands. As we drove to the South Shore for our stay at Ko’a Kea Resort, we passed through many lush landscapes which could have been out of Jurassic Park (it was filmed here after all!).

Koa Kea Resort Kauai pool

Our resort was a stylish boutique and it was small–which I loved. It felt totally laid-back and manageable–not a huge box style hotel. Poipu Beach was calm, clean with a good amount of sunseekers, but it not packed to the gills. There was even room for the seals that nap on the beach just about every afternoon.

Driving on Kauai

To me, Kauai is the more rugged, natural and chill version of the other islands. I’d maybe describe it as the hippie little sister with a lot of wild beauty and spiritual depth. In just 6 days, my mom and I put over 1000 miles on our car so it’s safe to say, we covered a lot of ground. However since my mom and I were not in a condition to hike, we limited activities to those accessible by easy walks, drives or boat rides. The following were the five highlights of our trip that I’d recommend to everyone–suitable for all ages and abilities. And next time I return, I plan to embark on some epic hikes, cruise the rivers on kayaks and take to the skies by helicopter.


  1. Snorkel with Seals 

Underwater snorkeling Poipu Beach

Poipu Beach is located in the sunny south of the island, which has the least rainfall on the island and thus the best conditions for snorkeling. It also helps that the waves are generally mild, making it family friendly and easy to see the world that is brimming with life just under the water.

Seals on Poipu Beach

I was staying just steps away from this beach at the Ko’a Kea Resort, so it made it easy to head out there each morning when the water was at its glassiest. To my surprise, the schools of brightly colored schools were just steps from the shore. I was barely standing in 4 feet of water and all I had to do was look down to see hundreds of multi hued fish! To be immersed in the marine life, snorkel between the shore and the small island off of the beach. But definitely try to get there early as many tourists know about this spot as well.

Since the seals seem to love to sunbathe on this beach, you might get lucky and be in the water as they pass by. These graceful creatures are still wild and respect them by giving them their space. If one comes near you, don’t try to touch it or swim near them. We are the outsiders in their home so we need to be good guests.


  1. Experience a traditional Hawaiian Luau

Aulii Luau Kauai

I love how Hawaii’s history, traditions and stories are still such a strong part of the islands today. The vibrant culture unlike any other state in the USA, let alone any other place in the world. It is so special to see how it is still alive and I think one of the best ways for mainlanders to understand it is through a luau.

Aulii Luau Sheraton Kauai

It was our first night on Kauai, we were lucky enough to attend the Aulii Luau on the South shore. My mom was giddy –this would be her first luau ever and she’d always wanted to experience one. The outdoor party was taking place at the Sheraton Kauai, just steps from their pink sand beach, in a prime spot for one of Poipu’s signature sunsets. The gold, pink, purple and orange of the sunset was just the opening act for a memorable, Hawaiian evening.

Sunset at the Aulii Luau Kauai

We had Premier seating, which allows you reserved seats at one of the front tables. General seating is at one of the long tables further back and it is first come, first served.  I recommend the Premier if you are most interested in dancing. You might be the farthest from the food, but you are closest to the stage and thus can appreciate all the details, especially the expressions on the dancers’ faces!

Kalua Pork Buffet Aulii Luau Kauai

The buffet dinner included a lot of fresh, local dishes and Hawaiian specialities. I tried the purple poi for the first time and enjoyed the kalua pig. Following the meal, there is a whole dessert table. The pineapple upside down cake was the winner there for me! We had to walk to get our own drinks which included mai tais, blue Hawaiian’s and beer and wine options. As I was pregnant, I did not indulge but my mom enjoyed a mai tai and the white wine.

But not surprisingly, the show itself was the best part. The talented dancers gave skilled, emotional performances, each one very different from the one before. The bright and wild, costumes and the tiki stage design was a sensory overload. I particularly loved the coed performance with the grass skirts. And of course, the fire dancer brought the audience to gasps, oohs and ahhs. What a way to spend our first night in Kauai!


  1. Cruise the Na Pali Coast by Boat

Na Pali Coast Holo Holo

This might be one of the most well-known areas of the island but no one lives here and there are no roads. The 15 miles of coastline is nature at its most beautiful. Sheer, jagged cliffs, soaring mountains and rocky coves meet the swells of the sea along this magical stretch. It is no wonder that it is such a sacred part in Hawaiian legend.

We chose to explore the coastline by boat. We embarked with Holo Holo Boat Tours, a highly rated  boat tour company that operated out of nearby Port Allen harbor. Our vessel was a 65 foot power catamaran– the island’s fastest tour boat. It was very spacious and had plenty of spaces to sit, which came in handy on this 4 hour tour.

Na Pali Coast Holo Holo Charter

The route was up to the coastline and then back, but along the way, we had quite a surprise show. Whales were jumping out of the water, slapping the surface and diving down deep, showing off their tales. I have been on whale watches before I’d never seen so many whales, so close!

Na Pali Coast tour with Holo Holo

Once we made it to Na Pali, the boat slowed down so we could fully appreciate the drama of this place. Our captain told us more about the landscape, pointing out sites of importance for the Hawaiians and even spotting a sea turtle swimming in a cave. As we cruised back down, the sun was setting and an onboard dinner was served–chips, guacamole, cheese and crackers and some delicious kalua pork tacos. This was a memorable way to spend an afternoon on Kauai and we were happy to have sailed with Holo Holo. Just note, it is a bumpy ride so be prepared for a roller coaster style ride and to get wet!


  1. Wake up with Waterfalls and Breakfast Bowls

Acai Bowl Kauai

The island has hundreds of waterfalls in its rich jungles, but there are five that are the most well known for their grandeur and convenience. Since we were not hiking on this trip, we chose the easiest one to drive too: Opaeka’a Falls. Located just near the cute town of Kapaa, you drive just off the main Highway 56 to a convenient parking. From here, you can view the falls from above. The 151 foot falls are 40 miles wide and lovely for a photo opp.

Opaekaa Falls Kauai

After, make sure to stop for breakfast or lunch in Kapaa. I strongly recommend the salads and coffee at the trendy Java Kai. Or if you want a cute back patio vibe with banana trees and chickens running around, EatHealthy Cafe was as delicious as it was adorable. My coconut bowl there was very memorable but their entire vegan menu looked great.

EatHealthy Cafe Kauai


  1. Explore the North Shore

Hanalei Bay North Shore Kauai

We stayed on the South Shore, but I had to check out the legendary North Shore of Kauai. My mom and I drove up early on a Saturday, knowing that it’ll take over an hour and it did! We headed to the town of Hanalei, nestled at the foot of vibrant green mountains and next to the surfer’s paradise of Hanalei Bay. The town had a laid-back, slightly touristy vibe, with charming shops, cafes and restaurants. We snagged a few t-shirts and some coffee before settling on a food truck for picnic lunch to go.

Fresh Bite Kauai Hanalei

Don’t be fooled, the Hanalei food trucks are excellent and we loved Fresh Bite, which served up locally grown greens and organic meats in their salads, sandwiches and poi bowls. I highly recommend grabbing your lunch to go so you can enjoy it on the sand of one of the nearby beaches. (Need more info on the food trucks? Go here.)

Mai Tai at the St Regis Princeville

After your beach day, check out a hotel icon and have drinks at the St. Regis Princeville. We were hit with a sudden rainstorm, a common occurrence on this side of the island, but that didn’t dampen our outdoor happy hour! We had a dry seat overlooking the bay and were delighted to witness a complimentary Hawaiian song and champagne sabering just before sunset.

Happy Hour at St Regis Princeville Kauai



Kauai is a stunning island and for us, it was restorative, natural and just uplifting. It has an overall ambiance that is very positive if you are open to it. For a babymoon and a mother/daughter trip, it was PERFECT. But I would recommend it to all sorts of groups of friends, families, couples and adventurers! If you have any tips, please let me know for my next trip!




Kelley Ferro Los Angeles Travel & Adventure

Speaking at the LA Travel & Adventure Show: Where to Go NOW!

This past weekend travel lovers descended on Downtown Los Angeles for two days of world exploring without leaving the convention center. The Los Angeles Travel & Adventure Show attracted hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of attendees, the show was bustling and energy levels were high. I totally can understand it–I get excited when I’m planning my next trip too!


Both Saturday and Sunday offered a full schedule of speakers, and each gave compelling and useful travel advice based on their own expertise. I enjoyed learning how to better take advantage of my travel points from Brian Kelly of The Points Guy, and of course, learning about travel trends from Pauline Frommer. Other notable speakers were Rick Steves, Samantha Brown and good friends Juliana Broste, Sarah Dandashy and Angel Castellanos.

I was very honored to be asked to lead a session of my own and I was eager to share the top destinations to visit now. Over the past 10 years, I’ve been able to experience many so many incredible, life-changing places all over our world, many of which I’d love to return too. But recounting my favorite experiences wouldn’t be helpful since I find that to be so subjective. My impression of a city would be affected if it were rainy, if I was tired, if my travel companion was cranky, if we were hangry, if we didn’t have a guide… and none of those situations are the fault of the destination! So instead, I took a step back and looked analytically at the 69 countries and hundreds of cities that have impacted me and determined where I think the average traveler should visit SOON.

Certain places are enduring and there’s less of a rush to see them right now. But some may be drastically changed in the next few years and discussed ten locations and types of trips that I think are important to take within the next year or two.

Here I’ll give you a few highlights of where I recommend and why. Note: this presentation was given at the LOS ANGELES Travel & Adventure show so it is focused on the LA based traveler.


  1. Eco Friendly Safari

Singita Castleton South AfricaWhy? Your dollars can go to wildlife conservation, land preservation and community development in safari destinations.


How? You need to do your research to find camps, lodges and tour operators that are sustainable, responsible and give back to the community.


Suggestion: Check out “Africa’s Finest” listing here.


  1. EgyptEgypt Giza Camel

Why? The definition of “life changing” and it is safer now than it has been in recent years. The State Department has it at a Leve 2 and it is recommened to “exercise caution.”


How? Go with a trusted tour operator.


Suggestion: I went with Abercrombie & Kent and not only are they very luxurious, they employ over 300 local Egyptians so their ground operations are on point! They will keep you safe and their guides are excellent.

Watch this video to see why I loved the local guides and traveling with Abercrombie & Kent. 


  1. China

Suzhou China Wanjing Garden

Why? With the largest population in the world, China has and will have an ever increasing global impact. Also, with better travel infrastructure, it is now easier to see places outside of the well known, touristy spots.


How? Fly to Shanghai for the modern side of China. Get adjusted to the time change, then hop on a 30 minute bullet train to Suzhou for a transporting experience back in time. Suzhou was the capital of culture thousands of years ago and this well preserved, canal city is the ancient China that you imagine.

Check out what Suzhou really looks like in this video!


  1. Japan

Itsukushima Shrine Setouchi Japan

Why? With the 2020 Summer Olympics on the horizon, there’s a palpable energy in the country that is about to put itself on display.


How? Fly to Tokyo then take a high speed train to see the countryside. I’d suggest going South to the Setouchi region if you want to taste great food (soba, sake & kobe beef), sleep in ancient farmhouses and experience old Japan by visiting their well preserved historical towns like Kurashiki. There’s also so many water adventures, beaches and bike paths!


  1. Croatia

Brac Croatia Boats

Why? It is still on the kuna, the local Croatian currency, but this is expected to change by 2020. With rolling hills, incredible islands, historical cities and breathtaking coastline, this truly is some of the best of Europe on a budget!


How? I’d recommend looking into Istria, the region that borders Italy if you like food and wine. If you are interested in the beaches and coastal cities, small ship cruises and even private charters are a wonderful way to experience Croatia.


Suggestion: I also thoroughly recommend a bike tour as the landscape is stunning by bike!

Watch my bike tour experience in Croatia with VBT.


  1. Mediterranean Cruise

Viking Star Monaco Cruise

Why? You can see some of Europe’s most famous locations on a budget! It’s great for multi-generational travel too–from children to grandparents!


How? Look into the itineraries and be mindful of the distance between ports. If you want to maximize your time on land, opt for itineraries that have shorter travel distances.

Suggestion: If you want some exceptional cruise lines in the Med, check out: MSC Cruises, Viking Ocean, Crystal Cruises and Silversea.


I recently sailed on the Viking Star and had a fantastic time! You can see the ship and our ports here.


  1. Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu Sunrise

Why? This world wonder is NOT overrated. It is beyond belief to see it in person, and up until recently, there were very little restrictions. Now, new regulations actually allow in 2000 more visitors per day so this iconic location might change…

How? Fly into Cusco and enjoy this vibrant city and its history as you get used to the altitude. Get up EARLY to take the first bus up to the site. You won’t regret exploring without the hordes of tourists and your photos will be better too!

Suggestion: Hike up the peak across from Machu Picchu, Huayna Picchu for a unique vantage point on the city.

See how we explored Machu Picchu & our Shaman experience here.


  1. Mexico

Zihuatanejo La Ropa Beach

Why? It is a quick flight for us LA folks and it is a world away!

Plus, in light of the recent earthquakes, Mexico City is depending on tourism income to help rebuild the city. Spend your travel dollars to impact change! And your money will go far since now there are deep discounts at many high end hotels.


How? Check out Mexico City and a plan a trip outside of the very hot summer season. Need a beach getaway? Check out Zihuatanejo or Sayulita for laidback, bohemian vibes and more authenticity than some of Mexico’s more famous beach towns. Zihua even has a direct airport!

You can take a peek at Zihua in this local guide video that I made!


  1. The Immersion Trip

Maui Road to Hana Coco Glen's

Why? This one is the easiest to put off as it is less about checking off an itinerary and more about finding a local community and staying put. The goal of this trip is to LIVE in a place, versus just seeing it.

How? Use Airbnb or a similar home rental site to book a home for at least a week. Go to local markets to pick up food to cook, establish a routine based on where the locals go and talk to people!

Suggestion: Hawaii is a great option for an immersion trip. As a US state it offers so many little comforts like same currency, cell phone service and Uber. Also, it is one of my favorite tropical destinations in the world, and for the West Coast, it is not too far!


  1. The Road Trip

Joshua Tree Cowboy Town

Why? It is too easy not to take this trip! Weekends are perfect for a quick getaway–even a day trip!

For those based in LA, we have way too many amazing options not to take advantage.


How? In LA, you can go to beach towns along the coast, camp in the desert, ski in the mountains and hike in hills, all within a couple hours or less. If you don’t feel like driving, check out Amtrak to see nearby stops and enjoy a car-free escape.

Another idea is to rent a JUCY Campervan and drive to any scenic destination you’d like! We took ours to Big Sur, California. See the Big Sur Road Trip experience here. 


Where do you want to go now? I’d love to hear where has caught your eye. Leave comments below.


Happy Travels,


A Sky High Dinner Party at the InterContinental Los Angeles Downtown

It’s not difficult to find the brand new InterContinental Los Angeles Downtown. All you have to do is look up. Soaring 73 floors high, in the tallest building west of Chicago, this sky scraping hotel has a bird’s-eye view over Los Angeles. And in a city where buildings are usually shorter than the palm trees, the InterContinental LA Downtown literally stands out above the rest. The backdrop of the the 70th floor lobby, the open air Spire 73 bar, and each individual room, is naturally , the panoramic views of this expansive city. And each window has it’s own display of LA’s starlets: the Hollywood sign, the Staples Center, LA Live, Echo Park, and the San Gabriel mountains. Of course at night, all these stars twinkle across the skyline.

Spire 73 InterContinental Downtown Los Angeles

I’ve been lucky enough to check out some of the brands within the IHG family of hotels, staying at the brand new Holiday Inn Express in Waikiki and covering an event last year at the business focused Crowne Plaza near LAX. This time I was eager to see what the posh InterContinental brand was bringing to the table. I knew that InterContinental has been a leader international luxury brand for over a century, and this DTLA opening puts the property count at 190 InterCons worldwide. As you might have guessed, my expectations were almost as high at this 1100 foot building. Not only was the architecture notable, but the impressive listing of dining and drink options within hotel has had LA buzzing about it since its opening in June of this year.

Spire 73 InterContinental Downtown LA IHG

Last week, I was finally able to experience the dizzying heights for myself as a guest at the IHG Rewards Club and Mastercard #PricelessExperiences dinner. My ears popped as the high tech elevators transported us up 70 floors in the air, in just under 40 seconds. As the doors opened, we stepped out into the chic lobby, with reservationists standing in front of floor to ceiling windows. Up 3 more floors and we were standing under the stars at Spire 73, the highest open-air bar in the entire Western Hemisphere! Its no wonder every seat was taken with all the classy cocktails, tantalizing appetizers and DIY s’mores plates I spied passing by. The twinkling lights of LA wrapped around glass walls, hugging the bar with the most impressive backdrop. I couldn’t believe that I was actually looking down on all the skyscrapers and helipads of downtown.

InterContinental Downtown Los Angeles

Just opposite Spire 73, the other half of the rooftop was reserved just for our IHG Rewards Club and MasterCard Priceless Table event. An al fresco party with 180 degree views all to ourselves–my excitement levels continued to rocket up, not to mention the live music, there’s definitely really talented musicians for special occasions out there!

Alex Ott alchemist InterContinental Downtown Los Angeles

The evening began with the probably the most creative libations I’ve ever seen firsthand, courtesy of “sensory ringmaster,” Alex Ott. Alex started off by introducing us to a special elixir, pure Spilanthes flower extract, which claims to be a miracle food, aiding in everything from hangovers to cancer.

Spilanthes Flower Alex Ott alchemist InterContinental Downtown Los Angeles

At $800 per drop, we were careful not to spill as Alex placed just a few milligrams of this golden liquid on our fingertips. But one drop was plenty to feel an unusual tingling on my tongue, which apparently was the stimulation of my salivary glands. I half expected to turn into Wonder Woman and fly off the rooftop, but I’ll settle with having our palates cleansed. Tastebuds prepped, we now were able to fully appreciate the complex flavors in Alex’s curated list of signature cocktails. Ingredients like kava kava tea, levigated pearl and R-Lipoic Acid infused each cocktail with beneficial properties that ranged from improved memory, increased energy and calming relaxation. Benefits aside, the ones we tried were perfectly balanced, not too sweet and thoroughly enjoyable.

 Alex Ott cocktails InterContinental Downtown Los Angeles

Appetites whetted, we still had a dreamy, 4 course dinner awaiting us, courtesy of Chef Ray Garcia. As this year’s Esquire chef of the year, I was familiar with Chef Garcia but had never tasted his cooking. I was impressed that IHG had not only secured such a notable “chef of the moment,” but they also selected someone who is such a big part of the burgeoning local scene. Downtown LA has quickly grown to be a foodie hotspot, with new openings and star chefs, like Ray Garcia.

Chef Ray Garcia

I couldn’t resist snapping many photos of the two long tables, perfectly set for our dinner. They were meticulously adorned with a collection of exotic flowers, hued in graduating colors from vibrant reds to vivid corals, then on to bright oranges and popping yellows. The elegance of the tables was only elevated when the masterful string quartet began by playing familiar pop songs in a soft, classical style.

Priceless Tables IHG Rewards Club InterContinental LA

With the full moon beaming down on this truly #Priceless scene, I grasped how moments like these were what the IHG brand was all about. This evening’s magic could not be recreated, and that was precisely the point. The ambiance, the quality and setting was all carefully crafted in order for each member attending to experience an exceptional night. The same way that the InterContinental focuses on the highest level of luxury, tonight was all about pampering, surprising and delighting. Overwhelmed with the breathtaking scene, I felt grateful to have a seat at this table and be part of something so special–and I hadn’t even tasted the food!

As I mentioned, my hopes for dinner with as high as our tables and Chef Garcia’s menu went ever further above and beyond. A vegetarian ceviche, using cauliflower, was a surprising and flavorful start. It was very delicate in preparation and I didn’t even miss the fish!

Cauliflower Ceviche Chef Ray Garcia

The second dish that followed, ended up being my personal favorite of the whole night. We enjoyed a giant scallop with molé blanco, sunchokes and hazelnuts. Each bite of the seared, locally caught scallop, literally melted in my mouth. Chef Garcia paired it so beautifully with the earthy flavors of the nuts and sunchokes. And though you think one scallop might not be enough, think again. This was easily the largest scallop I’ve ever seen, or eaten.

Scallop Chef Ray Garcia

For the main, Chef Garcia played on typical “carnitas” with a meaty combination of prime beef short rib, foie gras, truffle and bone marrows. Does it get any more carnivorously decadent than that? I enjoyed this dish but did find myself overwhelmed by the richness of it all.

Carnitas with Truffle Foie Gras Chef Ray Garcia

We ended with a not-too-sweet profiterol, topped with unique pale green, fig leaf ice cream. I’d never thought about tasting fig leaves but in ice cream form, it was delicious! Each bite of this dessert was an adventure of different flavors, like brown butter, stoneground chocolate and juicy raisin.

profiterol Chef Ray Garcia

As we toasted to new friends, delicious food, healthy cocktails and a stunning hotel, one word came to mind: hospitality. Strangers sitting next to me felt like friends. A top chef and a famed alchemist engaged in open conversations with the guests. The staff anticipated all our needs before we even realized them, including bringing me a blanket as the evening temperatures started to cool.

InterContinental Downtown LA IHG

Of course, IHG is a diverse family of hotel brands, each with it’s own traveler type and personality. The Holiday Inn Express brand has modern efficiency, the Crowne Plazas offer upscale convenience, and the InterContinental hotels celebrate their location through luxury. But as much as they are different, all the hotels share an intense feeling of hospitality. This goes beyond the requisite greetings and smiles that you find in the “hospitality industry.” There’s a genuine sincerity in every interaction, an actual desire to make your stay as welcoming as possible. That is not easy to find at most hotels around the world. With the IHG Brands, you are more than just honored guests, you are family.

Firepits on the roof of InterContinental Downtown LA

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG). The opinions and text are all mine.

If any of my musings has made you want to experience an IHG hotel for yourself, I encourage you to enter their trip giveaway! Share a #TravelFirsts on Instagram or Twitter to be entered to win a trip to NYC, Las Vegas, New Orleans, or here to LA. Let me know if you enter and I’ll cross my fingers for you! Link to learn about the contest is here.

More photos from the evening below:

Beach Wardrobe Picks (Year-Round) featuring Island Company

When I am shopping for clothes I always think about how well these clothes can travel. I need clothing that is generally lightweight, wrinkle resistant and I tend to stick with solid colors as they look better on camera and are easier to layer. Also, since I live at the beach and have a serious obsession with other warm weather destinations, I naturally gravitate to bright, beachy, breezy attire. It’s no surprise that I fell in love with the Island Company.

Island Company, based in sunny West Palm Beach, seems to have the island wear on lock. Their coconut scented stores whisk you to the islands when you enter and I find their styles to be an updated take on the safari wear–perfect for explorers like myself. 🙂 They use cottons and linens and keep to a pretty classic look with trendy twists, so their pieces don’t go out of style. The quality is also very high–you are meant to have these pieces for a long time. But to be honest, they had me at their iconic slogan (see below).

quit job travel the world

Though it may be fall and chillier in some areas, I am still rocking my Island Company pieces as they pair well with other items in your wardrobe. A sweater with the shorts, a cardigan over the dress, a vest with the Commandante shirt–classics like these work in every season. Oh and white after Labor Day, ABSOLUTELY.


Spencer Striped Tempest Dress

Spencer Striped Tempest Dress

I fell in love with this dress right away. I love how the stripes change at the bottom and the fit is very flattering. Being cotton, it is much lighter even though it is a long dress. I wore this to a picnic, a dinner in Malibu and a concert at Hollywood Bowl already–it is so versatile!


White Whitsunday Shorts

Whitsunday Linen Shorts

These shorts are classic, lightweight linen and go with everything. The bow adds a cute, girlie flair and I like wearing them with a tucked tshirt or tank.


White Relaxed Linen Pants

relaxed linen pants

I cannot believe how elegant these pants are yet they are so comfortable. The wide leg pairs well with a dark top and the whole look is so summery.


Nautilus Commandante Shirt

Nautilius shirt

I love the color Nautilus color–it is a periwinkle meets heather blue. The whole feel is just so crisp and flattering! I like wearing it with the white linen pants or the whitsunday shorts and a chunky necklace.


Vagabond Shirt in Navy

What a perfect travel shirt! This oversize shirt actually works as a dress! I love the easy of just throwing on one breezy piece of clothing and it looks great always. I feel put together but really am just wearing a long, comfy shirt. Win/Win! It has five buttons and slit pockets. The navy color is lovely–very flattering and almost has a weathered, softer look than true navy.


Seal Charter Dress

Seal Charter dress

I wasn’t sure about this dress… until I tried it on. It definitely walks the line of being dressy yet super casual. It is a shift dress so definitely easy to wear from day to night in the warm months.


Flamingo Lounge Tee

Flamingo Lounge Tee

The Peruvian cotton jersey of this tee is butter soft. The oversized fit makes it super comfy and it has a flowy feel of the sleeves. I don’t have any shirts like this and find myself wanting to wear it a lot!


I am packing up for my next adventure, and guess what, several items on this list are coming with me! Not going to a  sunny beach or tropical isle any time soon? Don’t worry–you can still dress like you are escaping to paradise. 🙂


island company beach


This post was in collaboration with the Island Company. I was not compensated for this post. All thoughts and feelings expressed here are honest and my own. 

calligraphy suzhou

Calligraphy in Suzhou & Trip Giveaway to Suzhou, China!

Garden of Cultivation Suzhou I only returned from exploring Suzhou, China two weeks ago and still am reeling from such an eye-opening, visually stimulating and immersive trip!

Suzhou is just what you expect traditional China to be.

Though there are high-rises and busy modern center, the old town is basically in a time warp. As you walk the cobbled street or cruise down the canals on a wooden boat helmed by a singing local, you will truly feel that you are 2500 years in the past.

I was exploring Suzhou to shoot a series on the ancient arts and traditions. My cameraman, translator, guide and other team members joined me in what would be a jam-packed 4 days of Suzhou culture. Each episode in our series included working with a local artisan or master craftsman.

These are my favorite types of stories to tell–the real stories of the local people.

Through meeting these masters, learning their skills and understanding their stories, I was able to understand what is Suzhou today by understanding its history.

You will be seeing 4 Master Class videos from this culture series: Calligraphy, Bonsai, Dumplings & Silk. These four elements are woven in the fabric of daily life yet have been important in Suzhou’s culture for centuries.

My first episode is released today (!) and it is focused on Calligraphy. We went visited the Garden of Cultivation, an ornate garden with rock formations, caves and a lovely central pond with lily pads. There was also a popular teahouse in this garden and we had a private room inside to conduct our calligraphy lesson. Our master, Fanwu Zheng, didn’t speak any English so he and I used a translator to communicate. But quickly, we were able to understand each other through laughs, gestures and brushstrokes.

Calligraphy in Suzhou

Suzhou was one of the premier places for calligraphy, being home to the Wu School of professional artists and some of the country’s most skilled calligraphers. Calligraphy was considered one of the highest forms of visual art, along with poetry and painting. It is much more than just writing, it is the creation of moving pieces of artwork.

The best way to understand Suzhou, our experience and the significance of calligraphy is through our first episode. Take a look and let me know what you think!

Now the travel giveaway! 

The contest is on Twitter only.


  • Roundtrip airfare from the US or Canada to Suzhou, China (You fly into Shanghai then transfer)
  • 4 Nights Accommdations in Suzhou (hotels are nice!)
  • All meals included (YUM!)
  • The 4 Cultural Opportunities that I experienced with Calligraphy, Bonsai, Dumplings & Silk!

How to Enter:

  1. Follow @VisitSuzhou on Twitter.
  2. Retweet: All you have to do to enter is to Retweet my video launch tweet here OR Retweet the launch tweet from @VisitSuzhou.
  3. Enter by October 4th!

My tweet:

One lucky winner will be selected from there. I cannot wait to see who wins because this trip was so special to me and I want others to share it! GOOD LUCK!

Bracelet Compass Coordinates Collection

Travel Gear: The Best Camera Bag, Watch & Travel Bangle

Being a vlogger ain’t easy. It might look like all fun and games, but it is a nonstop hustle, not a lot of job security and usually involves me lugging bags and gear all over the planet. No, I am not complaining, but just wanted to give you an idea why certain traveler friendly products have made a huge impact on my work life. I wanted to share some of my favorite travel related products–from functional to fashionable.


When I started off as a travel journalist (back in 2009!), I used to stuff my camera in my favorite bright orange Tumi waterproof tote. That was great until my microphones broke from being wedged in too tightly with my computer, camera bag, and toiletries. Frankly, I’m lucky my camera didn’t break! Cameras & lenses are not cheap, so I had to upgrade my camera bag game, BIG time. At the same time, I also became more mindful about avoiding internet crime while researching and sharing my work online.

And protecting yourself against online misconduct demands legal support that understands the nuances of digital law. For detailed guidance, visit Having resources like this ensures you’re equipped to deal with complex online legal matters effectively.

tenba roadie hybrid

Being able to use only carryons and avoid checking any bags is something I just can’t give up! After trying out several different bags, I’ve finally figured out how to have a carryon that can safely house all my gear but can also carry my laptop, wallet, notebook, kindle and other personal things I’ll need for the plane (eye mask, ear plugs, gum, headphones etc). I recently tried out a backpack from Tenba, a camera bag company that is built for photographers. I got the Roadie Hybrid II in their larger, 22 inch model. It has completely transformed my shoot travel.

tenba roadie hybrid

This Tenba bag is small enough to be a carryon, fitting easily under the seat in front of me or the overhead. However, it is large enough to give my 2 Canon DSLR cameras, 4-6 lenses, my various GoPros, audio and all the other accessories, the space that they deserve. It has adjustable, padded compartments inside that also just keep everything very organized and safe. I appreciate the interior zipper pockets so I can store extra batteries and SD cards easily.

tenba roadie hybrid

All that is just in the main compartment. There are several, easily accessible exterior compartments which have designated pockets for things like wallets, phones and even a key clip. The padded laptop pocket is a life changer and can fit laptops up to 17 inches.

tenba roadie hybrid

All of my expensive, important equipment not only fits but is protected. The bottom is waterproof and the whole bag is made from water repellant nylon, but they included a water resistant rain cover as well. The best part? This rolling bag also has a backpack straps! I can easily choose how to carry it based on my shoot. If you want to know which is better, backpack vs. messenger, this is the right choice.

tenba roadie hybrid

The only thing I’d change about it? I wish it came in different colors! I’d love to have my Tenba Roadie backpack in bright orange!



One Eleven watches

I am a watch girl. I have always loved watches and I have worn a watch just about every day of my life. I seem to gravitate towards classic, somewhat masculine styles. I also like BIG watches. You know what I hate? Changing batteries. That’s why I always rely on professional watch repair services. It’s such a relief to have my watches working perfectly without the hassle of battery replacements!

Watch OneEleven

Made the husband pose with his watch in Venice

This new watch seems to check all my boxes plus it is eco-friendly to boot. One Eleven is a completely solar powered watch brand so no more changing batteries, ever! Why haven’t we seen more of this? It has a sexy, rugged look that looks great on a hiking trail or at a classy dinner out. There have several strap colors, but my favorite was the light brown. The contrast of the rich mahogany leather with the faded black face and stainless steel is just perfect. There is a useful date function and a purposefully scratched look on the face that definitely gives it that rugged, worn in feel. Besides that, the watch is simple, classic and strong.




Though I got this watch for my husband, I sometimes make him let me borrow it. I personally think it looks just as good on a woman!

One Eleven watches


TRAVEL MEMORY: Coordinates Collection

“Collect memories, not things.” That has been my motto all my life. Of course, I have and love “things,” but if there was a fire and I had to grab only a few things, it’d be my photos, my cigar box of trinkets from all over the world and my memory box from my wedding in Saint Lucia. Those memories are so much more important than my newest pair of shoes or a cute bag.

coordinates collection bracelet

Cut to Coordinates Collection. This company seems to have read my mind.

  1. Simple: I love simple jewelry that I can wear every day or with a variety of outfits. Perfect for my trips!
  2. Gold: I also only wear gold. The tone of gold just matches my skin and my personality perfectly.
  3. Travel: Now this what completely sold me. The idea of wearing a meaningful location really speaks to me. That location that you choose is transformed on your wrist (or ring or pendant) into coordinates that are so uniquely special to you. Not everyone will know where it is but that’s the beauty of it! It is like your own little secret that you can share, or choose to hold close to heart.

coordinates collection bracelet

Inside the bangles, they also you to customize your own message as well. I went with my initials as well as a heart symbol, which I was impressed they could do!

coordinates collection bracelet

They have a variety of coordinates pieces in their collection but I chose the Legend Bracelet. I loved that it was an easy to wear with other bracelets and I think bangles are super cute. I also find that I wear many of the same bracelets every day so I will get the most mileage out of it!

If you are interested in these bracelets, I have a 15% discount code you can feel free to use! Just type in: Kelley15 for your 15% off at checkout!

coordinates collection bracelet


Which of this travel gear would you use? Do you have any questions about it? Feel free to leave comments and questions below!

Happy Travels!

xo Kelley