
Traveling with my little girl has been a challenge, but also so rewarding. Getting to see the world through her eyes has shifted how I see the world and where I want to take her!

In my family posts, I hope to share some tips on how to make traveling with kids easier and to highlight some of my favorite family friendly destinations, hotels and gear!

‘It takes a village’ and I know we all need all the support we can get!

An EPIC Weekend in the Reno-Tahoe Territory


An ideal family getaway needs a few things: easy travel, great hotels, and fun activities for the kids. Our long weekend exploring the Reno-Tahoe territory had all of this-- and more! The Reno-Tahoe Territory  is a stunning area of the US, comprising…

Unique Baby Brands that I Love


I kept a short list of my favorite baby brands in a notes document on my phone. I decided it was time to make this into a blog post and share some of my faves with you all. Coco Moon Hawaii A brand with a real sense of identity, Coco Moon Hawaii…

Babymoon Destinations for Every Type


The Tropical Babymoon: Hawaii When I was toting a beach ball around my midline, all I wanted to do was relax in the sun, eating delicious foods, and dangling my toes in the warm ocean. Hawaii was the obvious choice for me. I spent a week on Kauai and…

Baby Solids: 6 to 9 Months Baby Food Guide


For a list of all the foods that we usually give, check out my Typical Foods for 6-9months old guide. For more information on my favorite store-bought food, check out my Easier than Homemade post.  See my review of Baby Led Weaning vs Purées   Meals…

Baby Solids: Easier than Homemade Baby Food


So while I do love to make homemade baby food for my little girl, whether purée or steamed veggies, meats etc, it takes a lot of time. For me it was finding a balance. I wanted to enjoy making her food and not get bogged down by the frequency and quantity…

Baby Solids: Typical Foods for 6 to 9 months


Continued post from Baby Solids: Baby Led Weaning vs Purées For me, the hardest part was figuring out WHAT to make and worrying that her meals were “well rounded.” The below list shows a lot of the go-tos that I prepare, in addition to my Once…

Baby Solids: Baby Led Weaning vs Purées


This is a follow up to my previous post where I share what we did for solids from 4-6 months.   At 6 months, I really noticed a change in Aurora and a much greater interest in food. Now it was much harder to eat in front of her as she was…