Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam scelerisque nibh tellus, sed venenatis sapien rhoncus sed. Nullam sit amet erat nec eros lacinia lobortis vitae vel justo. Maecenas arcu felis, iaculis vitae tristique nec, varius vitae nisi.

VIDEO: Falling in Love in Geneva, A Love Story starring my parents
This past April 2019, my parents celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary. To commemorate the event, we traveled back to Geneva, Switzerland—the location of their honeymoon back in 1969. See the Swiss love story that unfolded. In Geneva, every moment…

Traveling While Pregnant: Where I Went, What I Avoided & When I Stopped
I have not set foot on a plane… since March! This is the longest stretch of time that I have not been airborne (10 weeks and 1 day but who’s counting...). I am so excited to have my next flight with Jettly! It’s kind of an odd feeling! Last year…

Hotel Snob: Four Seasons Chiang Mai
I have stayed at some of the world's best properties. Here's my review of the Four Seasons Chiang Mai in Thailand. I profile the rooms, pool villa, spa, activities, dining and overall experience so you can assess.

Cap Maison, Saint Lucia: Hotel Review
The Hotel Snob visits Saint Lucia's Northern Coast and reviews the intimate, boutique Cap Maison. This luxury property is perched on a cliff with it's own private beach and beach grill, infinity pool, sunset views and private dining out on the water--literally.…

A Travel Guide to Saint Lucia
Get Lost in Saint Lucia with Kelley Ferro Saint Lucia Overview One of the most lush islands, Saint Lucia is as exciting as it is beautiful. With adventure, nightlife, romance, beaches, high end food & stunning hotels; this island will convince you…

Saint Lucia: Chocolate in Food
Get Lost in Saint Lucia with Kelley Ferro Chocolate in Cuisine We all love chocolate in its...natural state. But who knew that chocolate was so delicious in other foods and dishes as well! Kelley tries out some of the inventive uses of chocolate from…