Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam scelerisque nibh tellus, sed venenatis sapien rhoncus sed. Nullam sit amet erat nec eros lacinia lobortis vitae vel justo. Maecenas arcu felis, iaculis vitae tristique nec, varius vitae nisi.

Lake Geneva Luxury Guide
From the most fabulous hotels to homemade menus at gourmet restaurants, hand crafted wines to Belle Epoque vintage trains, the Lake Geneva region offers so much in the way of luxury. Featured: The Royal Savoy Hotel, The Grand…

24 Hours in the Lake Geneva Region
The Lake Geneva region is, simply put, STUNNING. In the Canton of Vaud, the Lake Geneva region has so much natural beauty, between the centuries-old villages, the lakeside views, the UNESCO Lavaux terraced vineyards, the cosmopolitan cities and the striking…

7 Tips for Surviving an Overnight Train Trip
You always hear the phrase: “it’s more about the journey than the destination.” I can’t say that I’ve enjoy all my flights more than the place I was traveling to explore, but I can say that train travel is ALL about the journey. I had traveled…

Sleeping on the Rails Episode 12: Our final stop! Get Lost on Amtrak Series. Kelley takes the Southwest Chief from Chicago to Los Angeles. Think you wouldn't be comfortable sleeping on a train? Think…

Vlog: Kelley's 7 MUSTS for Enjoying the Train Episode 10: Get Lost on Amtrak Series. Kelley takes the Southwest Chief from Chicago to Los Angeles. After finishing the train trip here's 7 tips that helped make my Amtrak journey…

Top 5 Reasons to Take the Train Episode 9, Get Lost on Amtrak Series. Kelley takes the Southwest Chief from Chicago to Los Angeles. Trains have been crucial to travel for hundreds of years and the beauty of train…

Stop & Go: Chicago Episode 2 of Get Lost on Amtrak! series Here are the top things to do, see and eat in Chicago. Chicago was the starting point of our epic train journey to Los Angeles. We visited…

A Day on the Rails with Amtrak's Southwest Chief Episode 8, Get Lost on Amtrak Series. Kelley takes the Southwest Chief from Chicago to Los Angeles. Want to know what it's like to spend a full day on the move? I show you from…

Entertainment on the Train: How to not be bored! Episode 7, Get Lost on Amtrak Series. Kelley takes the Southwest Chief from Chicago to Los Angeles. You might think 45 hours on a train can get boring but think again! I had a…

Eating on the Rails: Food on Amtrak Episode 5 of Get Lost on Amtrak series There's something romantic about a dining car on a train and the Southwest Chief did not disappoint! The food options were great--healthy & tasty for breakfast, lunch or dinner.…

Profile of the Overnight Train, the Southwest Chief Episode 4 of Get Lost on Amtrak! series See the Roomette that we called home for 2000+ miles, and walk through the Dining car, Cafe car and my favorite, the most popular Observation car!

How to Board your Amtrak Sleeper Car Episode 3 of Get Lost on Amtrak! series Off to Union Station, we go to get on our sleeper car to LA. From the easy tickets, friendly staff and exclusive Amtrak lounge, our journey…

How to Pack for an Overnight Train Trip! Episode 1 of Get Lost on Amtrak series: What to Pack & Know Before You Go I had never slept overnight on a train before and here I was ready to go on a 45-hour journey across…

Switzerland's Prettiest Train: The Glacier Express
If you want to get up close and personal with one of Switzerland's most famous assets (and without freezing), take the Glacier Express. This panormaic train not only takes you through picture perfect villages but you literally scale blindingly white,…